Monday, June 2, 2008

The baby turned 1, whoo hoo!

Yesterday my baby boy turned one year old! So fun to celebrate his day and watch him be one. It was also fun to watch his siblings be so happy for him, kiss him all day long, and watch them get excited and laugh with him over his presents. His favorite part of the day - his ball. Hasn't let go of it since he opened it! Too funny! I love you little one -


Unknown said...

He is so cute! Watch out he might try and take that ball to bed with him. LOL! It is hard to believe that he is one now. Wow how time flies. What a special gift. The boy not the ball. LOL :O)

Hot Sauce Mama said...

Isaiah is 1!! Yay! Can't believe it was a year already! Happy Birthday Little Man! We love you from here even though we haven't met you!